So I have to share a story with yall...

If you are eating, drinking, or enjoying the tiniest little snack, you might want to come back later for this post! BECAUSE I'm the crazy blogger that finds it completely necessary to share with you that today....


As a special ed. teacher using the PEC for puking just seemed appropriate.

Seriously, I teach pre-school, this day was coming and considering there as been a G.I. bug in our building for what seems like a month now, no joke, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

This child hadn't stepped foot in my classroom for more than a millisecond when I knew it. Today is the day a child pukes. No color in his face, holding his stomach, walking slowly. I took him to the nurse, but no temperature. He didn't want to lay down so we basically went down to the classroom to wait until our doom. He wanted to be with his friends, went about our daily routine as normal then, pew! I must commend him though, he made it to the trashcan, hallelujah! I'll spare you from the other G.I. bug stories from our building. Trust me, they *might* make you get sick yourself! Yuck!

Well, now that I found it necessary to share my story with you, I'm sure you have some stories to share. Especially your first one!

P.S. Don't forget to scroll to the post below this one to enter my giveaway for a mirror! This is perfect to keep near your desk at work, or you could take the mirror out & use it as a picture frame! :)